Grand Chapter RAM of Michigan
500 Temple St.
Detroit, MI 48201-2695


As an Entered Apprentice, you were a poor, blind candidate in search of light desiring some of the rights and benefits of Freemasonry. As a Fellowcraft, you were taught to ascend a flight of winding stairs to a place representing the Middle Chamber of King Solomon’s Temple, where you received your wages from the Senior Warden. As a Master Mason, you were given the substitute word, as the grand masonic word was lost after the death of the Grand Master HA.

In Royal Arch Masonry:

You learn why the Senior warden pays the Craft the wages.
You will learn the TRUE word of the Grand Master, and find the word which was lost.
You will learn to dispense further light in Masonry to all brothers.
You will learn and receive light in many more aspects of Freemasonry.


Grand Chapter RAM of Michigan
500 Temple St
Detroit, MI 48201-2695
Phone: 517.231.7109